For the past few days I have been off work. I like to take advantage of a holiday and piggy back days off to spend a little extra time with my favorite little guy in the world. :) We have had too much fun!! Me, Grant and my momma have just been hanging out... we went to our favorite park both days, played outside, (which Indiana weather people are dumb, both days everyone said it was going to be a wash out, but it was BEAUTIFUL!)
I cant tell you how fun it is to stop from your day-to-day routine and have no worries. I didnt worry about what time it was, what we needed to get done or get to next, to me I had all the time in the world. I think these days are much needed and I plan for them. I remember a little over a year ago being so burnt out, feeling like I had no time to do anything for myself and hating my job, this is why I understand the need for these days.

Tomorrow is back to reality, but these are times that I will always cherish. :) Until next time bloggers...

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