Yeeeah, we are completely stoked. We received our new laptop yesterday and we ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! The first thing we did (after putting the necessary software and updates) we Skyped it up with our favorite family, the Cromie's! We are so excited to see them again and this time we will have adult time because we will have no kiddies! I will no doubt miss Grantman, but I know he will be in good hands!!! I am excited to be able to sit by a pool, get some sun (flipping hot sun, if I may add) and have a few cocktails. That sounds so amazing. We wont even know what to do with ourselves not chasing a two year old around.
Since we have a new laptop with all the bells and whistles I have decided to put in a request at work to work two days from home. :) I am hoping I can put my case and reasoning together this weekend and submit it on Monday. I have been at a standstill, I really really love my job, but there happens to be a position that opened up within our group that would be a step up and I havent decided if it is something that I want. I thought that if I could really have the opportunity to work from home and still do the things I love that I may not apply for it. But on the flipside, I think I would always be wondering if I didnt apply. Oh, decisions, decisions! I guess we will see after this weekend.
I hope everyone had a wonderful week. I am sure I will posting more since I am so excited to have our laptop!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Mini vacation...

For the past few days I have been off work. I like to take advantage of a holiday and piggy back days off to spend a little extra time with my favorite little guy in the world. :) We have had too much fun!! Me, Grant and my momma have just been hanging out... we went to our favorite park both days, played outside, (which Indiana weather people are dumb, both days everyone said it was going to be a wash out, but it was BEAUTIFUL!)
I cant tell you how fun it is to stop from your day-to-day routine and have no worries. I didnt worry about what time it was, what we needed to get done or get to next, to me I had all the time in the world. I think these days are much needed and I plan for them. I remember a little over a year ago being so burnt out, feeling like I had no time to do anything for myself and hating my job, this is why I understand the need for these days.

Tomorrow is back to reality, but these are times that I will always cherish. :) Until next time bloggers...

Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Guy on the Couch...
For anyone that has ever seen Half Baked knows about the guy on the couch. Well, I wouldnt say we had a stoner on the couch, but we do have a cute and random story. We have this neighbor, his name is Matt. We absolutely LOVE MATT! We do almost everything together... with that being said, we hung out Saturday and had a few cocktails. Matt is a scotch drinker (BLECK, but I digress!) Waking up on Sunday morning was a little rough. So the Suter's went out to breakfast, came home and chilled. We decided to have a relaxing Sunday night since I was up sick all night with post-gallbladder woes (lets not even go there) and Scotty was tired from GMan waking up so flipping early. And Matt, well maybe because of the beer and scotch mix!?
We went out to lunch at the Nickel Plate, the best small pub in Fishers and decided to go back and chill at our place, maybe watch a movie. We put on Dane Cook's Comedy Central special first and we were just all kind of dazed. We then decided after Grant was asleep that we would watch "Paul Blart, Mall Cop." Within about 30 minutes of being home, Matt laid out on the couch and was relaxing. Instantly, within minutes, he was snoring like a MACK TRUCK... no joke! Scott and I just could not stop laughing and that is how we were the entire night!! Even a few times Grant ran down the hall trying to get his attention... "MATT, MATT, nothing". We ended up playing with G; feeding him two snacks, brushing his teeth, putting him to bed, watching the Indy 500 race coverage, watching the movie, taking the trash out, watching part of the NBA playoffs... during the entire time he was asleep... 3 HOURS to be exact. It was the best entertainment EVER. I have to tell you, our couch is the best snoozing couch ever!! We ended up sending him a smart ass text message 3.5 hours in to it and it totally threw him off and he woke up laughing that he had really been asleep that long. Being the funny people we are, you bet your smart ass we got pictures and a video! MUAHHAHAHAAHA the two pics below are of him sleeping, the other pic is a pictures of us the night before, acting a fool ;) Good times at the Suter household, cant beat it!!

Sleeping Beauty...

Just let me get my thoughts together...

Me and Matty Pittman... maybe the reason he was so sleepy?? :)
We went out to lunch at the Nickel Plate, the best small pub in Fishers and decided to go back and chill at our place, maybe watch a movie. We put on Dane Cook's Comedy Central special first and we were just all kind of dazed. We then decided after Grant was asleep that we would watch "Paul Blart, Mall Cop." Within about 30 minutes of being home, Matt laid out on the couch and was relaxing. Instantly, within minutes, he was snoring like a MACK TRUCK... no joke! Scott and I just could not stop laughing and that is how we were the entire night!! Even a few times Grant ran down the hall trying to get his attention... "MATT, MATT, nothing". We ended up playing with G; feeding him two snacks, brushing his teeth, putting him to bed, watching the Indy 500 race coverage, watching the movie, taking the trash out, watching part of the NBA playoffs... during the entire time he was asleep... 3 HOURS to be exact. It was the best entertainment EVER. I have to tell you, our couch is the best snoozing couch ever!! We ended up sending him a smart ass text message 3.5 hours in to it and it totally threw him off and he woke up laughing that he had really been asleep that long. Being the funny people we are, you bet your smart ass we got pictures and a video! MUAHHAHAHAAHA the two pics below are of him sleeping, the other pic is a pictures of us the night before, acting a fool ;) Good times at the Suter household, cant beat it!!

Sleeping Beauty...

Just let me get my thoughts together...

Me and Matty Pittman... maybe the reason he was so sleepy?? :)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Funny story
When Grant was an itty bitty baby we used to have him in his vibrating rocker, which was the Itsy Bitsy Bouncer. He LOOOOVED this thing. The minute you would put him in there, he would relax and chill... there may have been a few fussy nights when he slept in there all night ;) We still had it in his room, in the corner, tucked away by his crib. He never really messed with it and we usually just turn on the music before bed or he would if he was in there playing. The other day I was cleaning up the house and putting some dishes in the dishwasher and Grant was off playing his room. I will randomly go check on him, he is either in his playroom (yes, the kid has a playroom), or in his room playing with the massive amount of toys he has. It had been a few minutes and I didnt really hear much. Now when the GMan is quiet, you have to start to wonder, what kind of trouble is he getting into?
I decided to head back to the playroom, he wasnt there. I turned the corner and saw him in the corner of his room making a few huffs and puffs. I immediately ran to go get the camera, this was too good. He was trying to wedge himself up in the chair with the itsy bitsy spider bar up. Mind you, this chair is good for 20-25 lbs and below...this little one weighs about 33 lbs. He was trying to lay in there and relax and when I came in, it looked like he was trying to sleep. HAHAHA The back of the chair was completely to the floor and there is barely room for anything in this corner. I tried to snap the best pictures I could, but he was trying to get out when I came in, as he knew he kind of "got caught." It was really cute...
Nope, nevermind, I am up!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Who is a big boy?
Yesterday I really came to understand just how much of a big boy my little man is! You see your children grow right in front of you and it amazes me how fast it goes by.

We went to BW3 (no wings for me.. only chips and salsa and a tall one! ;). Usually when we go there Grant either likes the corn dogs, but takes off the breading just to have the dog, OR the chicken fingers and fries. Well this time I wanted him to have something different.... so we went with their mac and cheese. Anyone who knows Grant, the minute he learned that he could eat by himself without anyone shoving a spoon in his mouth, he wants to do it himself! We have seen mess after mess, on him, on the carpet, on the high chair...everything! This time was very different, yes, he still made a slight mess on his clothes, but he ate so well with the spoon and really ate the entire thing. He didnt try to throw it or smear it in the table! I was so proud of him!! (I have a few mobile pics on my Facebook Album) He is growing up and learning so many things... My husband pointed it out so clearly, the husbands get so excited that the children are growing up and becoming little people and the woman are in the background sad because their baby's are growing up and they miss having little ones in the house. I definitely miss the baby phase... but that time will come again. We are content where we are now and we are going to spoil our little guy rotten in the meantime. :) Here are a few pics I took of him this weekend, he rocks!

Monday, May 11, 2009
Good times...
I have to tell you working full-time, balancing a family and friends becomes tough. Every weekend, during the summer for as long as my Scotty and I have been together, we have always had friends and family over. Drinks, dinner, both.. it doesn't matter, our house is the hang out spot. I absolutely love it!! :) These are a few pics from the weekend, some Saturday, some Sunday... but we have a good time! Enjoy!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Momma's Day II
My Mother's Day was wonderful... I was pampered THE ENTIRE DAY, which is of course how it always should be. I woke up and Scott had made me breakfast (everyone that understands how obsessive I am with counting calories, it was out the door today :) aren't you proud Kels!?) I had an omelet with tons of yummy veggies, Scott's famous potato casserole, fruit, mimosa... well I say mimosa but really I didn't want the OJ, so champagne at 8 AM and the rest of the day :)... and good times with my momma and my momma-in-law! We had such a relaxing morning, chatting, playing with Grant in the backyard and doing a whole lot of nothing (huh, kind of like my day on Friday... goal accomplished!)
I got the sweetest card from Scott and Grant and yes, I got my Puma's I have been wanting. :) hahaha I am obsessed with shoes and cant even begin to tell you how many I have, but this is something that I picked out in AZ and my baby remembered them... so momma gets what momma wants :)
We had a 1st birthday party to go to that was a ton of fun! Christopher is so darling. Anyone who is my friend on Facebook, check out Sarah Buckner's pics... especially the ones from his school, too precious!
After that, Grant laid down for a nap and our wonderful neighbor Matt came over (shout out Matthew Pittman :) and made dinner for me with Scott. Let me tell you, the combo is awesome... I love food, when I can binge, so this was perfect :)
Overall, I had an amazing Mother's Day. My hubby has made it so important to me since the moment I was pregnant... hint, hint, lets go back to Ruth's Chris ;) I am so lucky to have all of the wonderful people in my life, especially my momma and boys!
Happy Mother's Day to all of the beautiful mothers in the world... WE DO ROCK THE WORLD! XOXOXO
I got the sweetest card from Scott and Grant and yes, I got my Puma's I have been wanting. :) hahaha I am obsessed with shoes and cant even begin to tell you how many I have, but this is something that I picked out in AZ and my baby remembered them... so momma gets what momma wants :)
We had a 1st birthday party to go to that was a ton of fun! Christopher is so darling. Anyone who is my friend on Facebook, check out Sarah Buckner's pics... especially the ones from his school, too precious!
After that, Grant laid down for a nap and our wonderful neighbor Matt came over (shout out Matthew Pittman :) and made dinner for me with Scott. Let me tell you, the combo is awesome... I love food, when I can binge, so this was perfect :)
Overall, I had an amazing Mother's Day. My hubby has made it so important to me since the moment I was pregnant... hint, hint, lets go back to Ruth's Chris ;) I am so lucky to have all of the wonderful people in my life, especially my momma and boys!
Happy Mother's Day to all of the beautiful mothers in the world... WE DO ROCK THE WORLD! XOXOXO
Momma's Day!
When you become a mother you are transformed into a woman who can do anything and I have to tell you it is the most AMAZING feeling in the world. This holiday is so special to me, it is not just a holiday where you buy your mom a card or a gift and thank her for all that she has done, for me, it is way more. My mother is my best friend. I cant tell you how many times I call her a day or how many questions I ask (especially after having a child!) she has always been there for me. When I think of the picture perfect mother... she is it! She is so selfless and took care of my brother and I without thinking of herself. I know there were hard times, but yet she always made sure that we had what we needed, but also, what we wanted! I can only hope that as Grant gets older and I have one... eeehhh maybe two more children, that I can become half of the mother that she was/is to me... and can love my grandchildren as much as I see with her and GMan. I am blessed because Grant gets to be with his grandmother during the week (although we will be putting him PT into daycare!) because he really gets to form a bond with her that is indescribable. This is to my momma... Happy Mother's Day Momma.... you are the best and we all love you very much :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Well, today I had the day off from work and I really didn't do much of anything. I didn't get anything big accomplished, I didn't do work, I didn't clean... it was just a relaxing day where I hung out with my baby Grant and my momma... I LOVED IT! (C'mon 102 million dollar powerball so I can stay home! ;) It was a day where I really didn't have to worry about anything. I am hopefully going to push my way to make that an entire weekend thing, I mean it is Mother's Day weekend and all!! Here are some goofy pics of me and Grant that we took, he really cracks me up. I am so very lucky to be a mom, especially to this amazing, gifted little boy. He is beyond a doubt a boy genius (typical mom lingo huh!?) He learned a new word today, Meijer (as in lower prices, guaranteed), but it was so funny the way he says it. All day everything has been Meijer, but pronounced MAYA... hahaha too funny! I guess you really have to be there. :)
I am sure I will be posting some stories from this weekend, as we are having a small gathering of friends tomorrow night, which is always a good time and Mom's Day on Sunday.... I just want to tell all the mommy's to have a wonderful Mother's Day... WE ROCK! XOXOXO

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