My handsome son has mastered the word "NO."
It is kind of funny, although I definitely do not let him see me snicker or make a fuss over it. He still baby babbles and some of the words still come out like a baby/toddler. Oh, but not the word no... it is clear as day as if an adult said it! His vocabulary is getting so big everyday, he amazes me with the things he says and does. I know I have typed that before and I am so biased, but he is really smart and really comprehends alot for his age! Tonight he used it with every other word that came out of his mouth... "Caillou, ball, NO, balloon, ball, NO, NO, NO, NO, cracker, Bo-Bo, shoe, cheese, NO, NO, NO!" hahaha At this point in time, he understands what it means but not really telling it to us, that is why I try not to make a big deal out of it. I can only imagine later that he will use it and be quit the devilish little boy that he is!! ;) I mean look at that cutie smile above (which I have posted before, but I think he looks so cute!)... he is definitely my world. I know at least one main purpose of my life is to be a mommy and I love it!
I cannot believe how fast time goes. It amazes me that he will be 2 in July, it feels like I was just preggers. When Scott and I talked about having children, we always said we wanted them to be about 2-3 years apart. Yeah, that is vastly approaching and right now, I think we are perfectly content with our family and lifestyle that we live. Yes, we want at least one more child, but I think that can wait until Grant is maybe... mmmmm... 4! :)
Our next battle and what you will hear about soon... Operation Pacifier: Non-Existence.... until next time bloggers...
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