We arrived at the airport about an hour and a half early, he was already struggling with being tired, so we thought this would be cake walk... boy were we in for a big surprise. He was fine sitting outside the terminal, talking with people... flirting... you know, doing the Grant things he does. About 30 minutes before boarding I decided it was time to pull out the children's benedryl and allow him time to get relaxed. I reach in my bag only to see that, in mommy's rush, I grabbed the children's motrin. 1st hang-up. We then grabbed a hot dog for Grant to be able to eat on the plane, he wanted no part of that, outside and inside of the plane.
We were the first ones to board, the minute we got on to the plane, I didn't even recognize this little toddler. I have honestly never seen a child throw a bigger tantrum and get so hot and worked up so fast. As everyone was coming onto the plane, they were looking and staring and you know they were thinking f&%$, 1. I hope that I am not sitting next to these people and 2. OMG this kid better not be crying this entire flight. He was kicking and screaming and pushing the seat in front of us and we were trying with all of our might to calm him down and he just wouldn't. He was flipping around so much that he broke my bra... I mean snap the wire and then managed to brake the shade of the window... WOW, how does one do that. Once the plane backed out of the terminal he had completely crashed out on my chest for the whole take off and about the first 20 minutes!! His shirt was off, his face beyond flushed... he looked very very cute and peaceful. He was up after that 20 minutes, the entire time. It very much tested mommy and daddy's patience, which at that point was definitely out the door. We tried our hardest to keep him entertained. We watched Bolt twice, played with magazines and anything else we could find.
Once we got to PHX, we were beat up. All of us were cranky and tired yet none of us went to bed when we got there. Grant didn't end up going to bed until 12:15 AM our time...
Here are the pictures Scott took from his phone before take off... he looked darling!!

Don't feel bad we have ALL been there! We are doing it Monday morning with both girls all the way to Vegas!! If it is any consolation you made me laugh because I know EXACTLY how you felt!!!
I didn't think he would like the plane since it's such a confined space, but I didn't think he'd react that severely. Good luck on the return flight.
wow. my ovaries just shriveled up and fell out of my body!
That is hilarious!
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