Sooooooo I had a complete scary mom moment over the weekend. I have had them a few times within the past year and a half, one of them being the over cautious mom when my son rolled off the couch, but I digress. ;) Well, we had some good friends over and we were just chatting having a glass of wine. Usually when people come over at least by 9:00 PM I will go in and check on GMan. I went in there and was completely freaked out. My son's crib is against the wall off in the corner of his room. We had taken the bumper pad out as he was trying to climb out of his crib and using it as a step stool. So we have 2 plug in's that have his monitor, which we keep under the bed and the tall lamp to his room plugged in. This is well below the crib and it would take some major energy to get to these... oh, but guess what, he did!!! So he had gotten to the very bottom big plug in (the monitor plug) grabbed it up into the railings of his crib and completely wrapped it around the opposite side of crib stretching his entire crib.
So of course when I see this I automatically think, oh god, it is around his neck... so I am feeling for a pulse and signs of breathing... he was fine and was snug as a bug. I went and got my husband to show him just how honorary our son is. He did the same thing as me, feeling for signs of life. We immediately got to unplugging everything and was making quite a bit of noise, he didnt make a peep or even move. Normally you can walk by his room and he would hear the carpet crinkle and wake up instantly. Although I didnt take pics of the actual "art" that he had done, I did take a few pictures of him looking so precious...

1 comment:
Love the blog! ESPECAILLY love the pics of Gman! Keep 'em coming!
xoxo Kel
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