Thursday, June 11, 2009

Random Thought...

Just thought I would type this so I do not forget the day that I actually had someone eat my lunch. I just brought it today, so it had not been chilling long. I was so hungry and livid when I found out that someone ate it, then I figured out who did it and it made me even more irritated. Yes, I made her give me money because 1. that is ridiculous and 2. she does it all the time and she was going to pay for eating my lunch because that left me with nothing to eat. I mean seriously, who does that?? hahaha I guess I need to make sure I label it obnoxiously big to make sure no one eats it!!

Nighty night...

1 comment:

Christina... said...

I might have had to hit her - she is lucky you were there! You can't mess with a hungry girl's food!!